Monday, October 29, 2007

Summary of Beginning

In Jena, Louisiana, six students were charged with attempted murder for beating up a white student, when racial injustice spread through the town. The spread started at Jena High School, were two black students sat under what was considered the "white" tree. This caused the white students to attack the black students with racial slurs and to throw a noose over the tree, threatening the boys. Nothing was done. In protest, the black community at the high school sat in petition against this act, but were again punished because they were causing a disturbance. The racial tension grew, and finally a white student who was racial subjecting six black students was beaten up but the six black students. These students were immediately found and charged of attempted murder, even though the white student attended a social function the same night of the encounter. This site is here to spread the work of racial injustice and to create a link to other organizations that are trying to support the families of the students, while their hearings are going on.